The below Five Theories posed by the Western Medical community, explain how and why acupuncture works on the body. These theories demonstrate the many benefits of acupuncture and how it can be used to treat and array of medical conditions, both acute and chronic.
Theory # 1: " Augmentation Theory"
Acupuncture raises levels of triglycerides, specific hormones, prostaglandins, white blood counts, gamma globulins, opsonins and overall antibody levels. This is why acupuncture can treat disorders relation to immune function. Everyone can benefit from a healthy immune system, both in the prevention of disease and the treatment of current conditions. Improved immune function is a positive bi-product of acupuncture treatments.
Theory # 2: " Endorphin Theory"
Acupuncture stimulates the secretion of endorphins (specifically enkephalins). Endorphins are our body's natural pain-killers and are 1000 times stronger than morphine. This is why patients may often experience immediate pain reduction while on the treatment table. For many, acupuncture is a safe and healthy alternative to prescription pain medications.​
Theory # 3: " Neurotransmitter Theory"
Acupuncture can affect certain neurotransmitter levels such as serotonin and noradrenaline. This is why acupuncture is so successful with depression and mood disorders. It is also why patients feel so calm and relaxed after a treatment. Low Serotonin levels can also cause cravings for sugar, which is why acupuncture can be helpful for weight-loss.​
Theory # 4: " Gate Control Theory"
According to this theory, pain signals must pass through a number of high-traffic "gates" as they move from the area of injury upward through the spinal cord into the brain. These nerves can only handle a limited number of signals at one time. Acupuncture generates competing stimulus and effectively interrupts the neuro-transmission of the pain signals from reaching the brain. This theory can explain how acupuncture is used as an anesthetic during surgery. In China, operations have been done with acupuncture as the only form of anesthesia. In the United States, we are seeing an increase in the use of acupuncture during dental procedures.
Theory # 5: " CirculatoryTheory"
This theory states that acupuncture has the effect of constricting or dilating blood vessels. This is caused by the body's release of vasodilators (such as histamine) in response to acupuncture and would show how treatment can resolve, edema, neuropathy and injury recovery.
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